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- Dedication
- Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- Preface
- I. Special Relativity
- 1. Special Relativity [Draft]
- II. Basic Quantum Mechanics
- 2. Mathematical Prerequisites
- 3. Basic Ideas of Quantum Mechanics
- 3.1 The Revised Picture of Nature
- 3.2 The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
- 3.3 The Operators of Quantum Mechanics
- 3.4 The Orthodox Statistical Interpretation
- 3.5 A Particle Confined Inside a Pipe
- 3.5.1 The physical system
- 3.5.2 Mathematical notations
- 3.5.3 The Hamiltonian
- 3.5.4 The Hamiltonian eigenvalue problem
- 3.5.5 All solutions of the eigenvalue problem
- 3.5.6 Discussion of the energy values
- 3.5.7 Discussion of the eigenfunctions
- 3.5.8 Three-dimensional solution
- 3.5.9 Quantum confinement
- 4. Single-Particle Systems
- 5. Multiple-Particle Systems
- 5.1 Wave Function for Multiple Particles
- 5.2 The Hydrogen Molecule
- 5.3 Two-State Systems
- 5.4 Spin
- 5.5 Multiple-Particle Systems Including Spin
- 5.6 Identical Particles
- 5.7 Ways to Symmetrize the Wave Function
- 5.8 Matrix Formulation
- 5.9 Heavier Atoms
- 5.10 Pauli Repulsion
- 5.11 Chemical Bonds
- 6. Macroscopic Systems
- 6.1 Intro to Particles in a Box
- 6.2 The Single-Particle States
- 6.3 Density of States
- 6.4 Ground State of a System of Bosons
- 6.5 About Temperature
- 6.6 Bose-Einstein Condensation
- 6.7 Bose-Einstein Distribution
- 6.8 Blackbody Radiation
- 6.9 Ground State of a System of Electrons
- 6.10 Fermi Energy of the Free-Electron Gas
- 6.11 Degeneracy Pressure
- 6.12 Confinement and the DOS
- 6.13 Fermi-Dirac Distribution
- 6.14 Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution
- 6.15 Thermionic Emission
- 6.16 Chemical Potential and Diffusion
- 6.17 Intro to the Periodic Box
- 6.18 Periodic Single-Particle States
- 6.19 DOS for a Periodic Box
- 6.20 Intro to Electrical Conduction
- 6.21 Intro to Band Structure
- 6.22 Electrons in Crystals
- 6.23 Semiconductors
- 6.24 The P-N Junction
- 6.25 The Transistor
- 6.26 Zener and Avalanche Diodes
- 6.27 Optical Applications
- 6.28 Thermoelectric Applications
- 7. Time Evolution
- 7.1 The Schrödinger Equation
- 7.2 Time Variation of Expectation Values
- 7.3 Conservation Laws and Symmetries
- 7.4 Conservation Laws in Emission
- 7.5 Symmetric Two-State Systems
- 7.6 Asymmetric Two-State Systems
- 7.7 Absorption and Stimulated Emission
- 7.8 General Interaction with Radiation
- 7.9 Position and Linear Momentum
- 7.10 Wave Packets
- 7.11 Almost Classical Motion
- 7.12 Scattering
- 7.13 Reflection and Transmission Coefficients
- 8. The Meaning of Quantum Mechanics
- III. Gateway Topics
- 9. Numerical Procedures
- 10. Solids
- 10.1 Molecular Solids
- 10.2 Ionic Solids
- 10.3 Metals
- 10.3.1 Lithium
- 10.3.2 One-dimensional crystals
- 10.3.3 Wave functions of one-dimensional crystals
- 10.3.4 Analysis of the wave functions
- 10.3.5 Floquet (Bloch) theory
- 10.3.6 Fourier analysis
- 10.3.7 The reciprocal lattice
- 10.3.8 The energy levels
- 10.3.9 Merging and splitting bands
- 10.3.10 Three-dimensional metals
- 10.4 Covalent Materials
- 10.5 Free-Electron Gas
- 10.6 Nearly-Free Electrons
- 10.7 Additional Points
- 11. Basic and Quantum Thermodynamics
- 11.1 Temperature
- 11.2 Single-Particle versus System States
- 11.3 How Many System Eigenfunctions?
- 11.4 Particle-Energy Distribution Functions
- 11.5 The Canonical Probability Distribution
- 11.6 Low Temperature Behavior
- 11.7 The Basic Thermodynamic Variables
- 11.8 Intro to the Second Law
- 11.9 The Reversible Ideal
- 11.10 Entropy
- 11.11 The Big Lie of Distinguishable Particles
- 11.12 The New Variables
- 11.13 Microscopic Meaning of the Variables
- 11.14 Application to Particles in a Box
- 11.15 Specific Heats
- 12. Angular momentum
- 12.1 Introduction
- 12.2 The fundamental commutation relations
- 12.3 Ladders
- 12.4 Possible values of angular momentum
- 12.5 A warning about angular momentum
- 12.6 Triplet and singlet states
- 12.7 Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
- 12.8 Some important results
- 12.9 Momentum of partially filled shells
- 12.10 Pauli spin matrices
- 12.11 General spin matrices
- 12.12 The Relativistic Dirac Equation
- 13. Electromagnetism
- 14. Nuclei [Unfinished Draft]
- 14.1 Fundamental Concepts
- 14.2 Draft: The Simplest Nuclei
- 14.3 Draft: Overview of Nuclei
- 14.4 Draft: Magic numbers
- 14.5 Draft: Radioactivity
- 14.6 Draft: Mass and energy
- 14.7 Draft: Binding energy
- 14.8 Draft: Nucleon separation energies
- 14.9 Draft: Modeling the Deuteron
- 14.10 Draft: Liquid drop model
- 14.11 Draft: Alpha Decay
- 14.12 Draft: Shell model
- 14.13 Draft: Collective Structure
- 14.14 Draft: Fission
- 14.15 Draft: Spin Data
- 14.16 Draft: Parity Data
- 14.17 Draft: Electromagnetic Moments
- 14.18 Draft: Isospin
- 14.19 Draft: Beta decay
- 14.19.1 Draft: Introduction
- 14.19.2 Draft: Energetics Data
- 14.19.3 Draft: Beta decay and magic numbers
- 14.19.4 Draft: Von Weizsäcker approximation
- 14.19.5 Draft: Kinetic Energies
- 14.19.6 Draft: Forbidden decays
- 14.19.7 Draft: Data and Fermi theory
- 14.19.8 Draft: Parity violation
- 14.20 Draft: Gamma Decay
- IV. Supplementary Information
- A. Addenda
- A.1 Classical Lagrangian mechanics
- A.2 An example of variational calculus
- A.3 Galilean transformation
- A.4 More on index notation
- A.5 The reduced mass
- A.6 Constant spherical potentials
- A.7 Accuracy of the variational method
- A.8 Positive ground state wave function
- A.9 Wave function symmetries
- A.10 Spin inner product
- A.11 Thermoelectric effects
- A.12 Heisenberg picture
- A.13 Integral Schrödinger equation
- A.14 The Klein-Gordon equation
- A.15 Quantum Field Theory in a Nanoshell
- A.15.1 Occupation numbers
- A.15.2 Creation and annihilation operators
- A.15.3 The caHermitians
- A.15.4 Recasting a Hamiltonian as a quantum field one
- A.15.5 The harmonic oscillator as a boson system
- A.15.6 Canonical (second) quantization
- A.15.7 Spin as a fermion system
- A.15.8 More single particle states
- A.15.9 Field operators
- A.15.10 Nonrelativistic quantum field theory
- A.16 The adiabatic theorem
- A.17 The virial theorem
- A.18 The energy-time uncertainty relationship
- A.19 Conservation Laws and Symmetries
- A.20 Angular momentum of vector particles
- A.21 Photon type 2 wave function
- A.22 Forces by particle exchange
- A.22.1 Classical selectostatics
- A.22.2 Classical selectodynamics
- A.22.3 Quantum selectostatics
- A.22.4 Poincaré and Einstein try to save the universe
- A.22.5 Lorenz saves the universe
- A.22.6 Gupta-Bleuler condition
- A.22.7 The conventional Lagrangian
- A.22.8 Quantization following Fermi
- A.22.9 The Coulomb potential and the speed of light
- A.23 Quantization of radiation
- A.24 Quantum spontaneous emission
- A.25 Multipole transitions
- A.25.1 Approximate Hamiltonian
- A.25.2 Approximate multipole matrix elements
- A.25.3 Corrected multipole matrix elements
- A.25.4 Matrix element ballparks
- A.25.5 Selection rules
- A.25.6 Ballpark decay rates
- A.25.7 Wave functions of definite angular momentum
- A.25.8 Weisskopf and Moszkowski estimates
- A.25.9 Errors in other sources
- A.26 Fourier inversion theorem and Parseval
- A.27 Details of the animations
- A.28 WKB Theory of Nearly Classical Motion
- A.29 WKB solution near the turning points
- A.30 Three-dimensional scattering
- A.31 The Born series
- A.32 The evolution of probability
- A.33 Explanation of the London forces
- A.34 Explanation of Hund’s first rule
- A.35 The third law
- A.36 Alternate Dirac equations
- A.37 Maxwell’s wave equations
- A.38 Perturbation Theory
- A.39 The relativistic hydrogen atom
- A.40 Deuteron wave function
- A.41 Deuteron model
- A.42 Nuclear forces
- A.43 Classical vibrating drop
- A.44 Relativistic neutrinos
- A.45 Fermi theory
- D. Derivations
- D.1 Generic vector identities
- D.2 Some Green’s functions
- D.3 Lagrangian mechanics
- D.4 Lorentz transformation derivation
- D.5 Lorentz group property derivation
- D.6 Lorentz force derivation
- D.7 Derivation of the Euler formula
- D.8 Completeness of Fourier modes
- D.9 Momentum operators are Hermitian
- D.10 The curl is Hermitian
- D.11 Extension to three-dimensional solutions
- D.12 The harmonic oscillator solution
- D.13 The harmonic oscillator and uncertainty
- D.14 The spherical harmonics
- D.15 The hydrogen radial wave functions
- D.16 Constant spherical potentials derivations
- D.17 Inner product for the expectation value
- D.18 Eigenfunctions of commuting operators
- D.19 The generalized uncertainty relationship
- D.20 Derivation of the commutator rules
- D.21 Solution of the hydrogen molecular ion
- D.22 Unique ground state wave function
- D.23 Solution of the hydrogen molecule
- D.24 Hydrogen molecule ground state and spin
- D.25 Number of boson states
- D.26 Density of states
- D.27 Radiation from a hole
- D.28 Kirchhoff’s law
- D.29 The thermionic emission equation
- D.30 Number of conduction band electrons
- D.31 Integral Schrödinger equation
- D.32 Integral conservation laws
- D.33 Quantum field derivations
- D.34 The adiabatic theorem
- D.35 The evolution of expectation values
- D.36 Photon wave function derivations
- D.37 Forces by particle exchange derivations
- D.38 Time-dependent perturbation theory
- D.39 Selection rules
- D.40 Quantization of radiation derivations
- D.41 Derivation of the Einstein B coefficients
- D.42 Derivation of the Einstein A coefficients
- D.43 Multipole derivations
- D.44 Derivation of group velocity
- D.45 Motion through crystals
- D.46 Derivation of the WKB approximation
- D.47 Born differential cross section
- D.48 About Lagrangian multipliers
- D.49 The generalized variational principle
- D.50 Spin degeneracy
- D.51 Born-Oppenheimer nuclear motion
- D.52 Simplification of the Hartree-Fock energy
- D.53 Integral constraints
- D.54 Derivation of the Hartree-Fock equations
- D.55 Why the Fock operator is Hermitian
- D.56 Number of system eigenfunctions
- D.57 The particle energy distributions
- D.58 The canonical probability distribution
- D.59 Analysis of the ideal gas Carnot cycle
- D.60 Checks on the expression for entropy
- D.61 Chemical potential in the distributions
- D.62 Fermi-Dirac integrals at low temperature
- D.63 Angular momentum uncertainty
- D.64 Spherical harmonics by ladder operators
- D.65 How to make Clebsch-Gordan tables
- D.66 The triangle inequality
- D.67 Momentum of shells
- D.68 Awkward questions about spin
- D.69 More awkwardness about spin
- D.70 Emergence of spin from relativity
- D.71 Electromagnetic commutators
- D.72 Various electrostatic derivations.
- D.72.1 Existence of a potential
- D.72.2 The Laplace equation
- D.72.3 Egg-shaped dipole field lines
- D.72.4 Ideal charge dipole delta function
- D.72.5 Integrals of the current density
- D.72.6 Lorentz forces on a current distribution
- D.72.7 Field of a current dipole
- D.72.8 Biot-Savart law
- D.73 Orbital motion in a magnetic field
- D.74 Electron spin in a magnetic field
- D.75 Solving the NMR equations
- D.76 Harmonic oscillator revisited
- D.77 Impenetrable spherical shell
- D.78 Shell model quadrupole moment
- D.79 Derivation of perturbation theory
- D.80 Hydrogen ground state Stark effect
- D.81 Dirac fine structure Hamiltonian
- D.82 Classical spin-orbit derivation
- D.83 Expectation powers of r for hydrogen
- D.84 Band gap explanation derivations
- N. Notes
- N.1 Why this book?
- N.2 History and wish list
- N.3 Nature and real eigenvalues
- N.4 Are Hermitian operators really like that?
- N.5 Why boundary conditions are tricky
- N.6 Is the variational approximation best?
- N.7 Shielding approximation limitations
- N.8 Why the s states have the least energy
- N.9 Explanation of the band gaps
- N.10 A less fishy story
- N.11 Better description of two-state systems
- N.12 Second quantization in other books
- N.13 Combining angular momentum factors
- N.14 The electric multipole problem
- N.15 A tenth of a googol in universes
- N.16 A single Slater determinant is not exact
- N.17 Generalized orbitals
- N.18
Correlation energy
- N.19 Ambiguities in electron affinity
- N.20 Why Floquet theory should be called so
- N.21 Superfluidity versus BEC
- N.22 The mechanism of ferromagnetism
- N.23 Fundamental assumption of statistics
- N.24 A problem if the energy is given
- N.25 The recipe of life
- N.26 Physics of the fundamental commutators
- N.27 Magnitude of components of vectors
- N.28 Adding angular momentum components
- N.29 Clebsch-Gordan tables are bidirectional
- N.30 Machine language Clebsch-Gordan tables
- N.31 Existence of magnetic monopoles
- N.32 More on Maxwell’s third law
- N.33 Setting the record straight on alignment
- N.34 NuDat 2 data selection
- N.35 Auger discovery
- N.36 Draft: Cage-of-Faraday proposal
- A. Addenda
- Web Pages
- References
- Notations
- Index
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