James F Harrison
Emeritus Professor of Chemistry
Chemistry Department
Michigan State University
East Lansing Michigan 48824
Over the years I have taught many courses and the notes for a few of the topics discussed are collected below.
This first grouping includes some basic classical physics the understanding of which is vital for success in Advanced Physical Chemistry.
Electrostatic potential & electric field due to a collection of point charges
Potential energy of a collection of N point charges
Potential energy of N point charges in an external potential
Multipole moments of a charge distribution
Multipole expansion of a charge distribution
Interaction energy between two disjoint charge distributions
Angular Momentum
Orbital angular momentum operators
Angular momentum in a central field
Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of Orbital Angular Momentum
Operator Derivation of Eigenvalue and Eigenfunctions
A spin ½ particle in a Central Potential
Wigner or Clebsch-Gordon Coeffficients
Perturbation theory
Non-degenerate examples
Harmonic oscillator with a cubic perturbation
Harmonic oscillator in a constant electric field
Moller-Plesset second order theory
Hydrogen-like atoms/ions
Schrodinger equation
Energy and Structure of Wavefunctions
One-electron Atoms in an Electric Field
Ground state (Stark Effect, dipole & quadrupole polarizabilities)
Spin-orbit Interaction
Angular and Radial Wave-functions
PerturbationTreatment (numerical results)
One-electron atoms in a magnetic field
More Relativistic Effects
Dirac equation for a one-electron atom
Pauli Hamiltonian and the Mass Velocity, Spin Orbit & Darwin Terms
First-order perturbation results using Pauli Hamiltonian
Exact Energy Eigenvalues of Dirac equation
Hydrogen wavefunctions (1s-6h)
Hartree-Fock Theory
Relationship between Hartree-Fock eigenvalues and the Energy
Density Matrices, Natural Orbitals & Electron Density
One and Two Particle Density Matrices-Definitions
One and Two Particle Density Matrices for Hartree-Fock wavefunctions
Electron Density and one Particle Density Matrix
Natural Orbitals and One Particle Density Matrix
Natural Orbitals for Heitler-London H2
Slater Determinants
Slater Determinants and Antisymmeteriizing Operator
Matrix Elements Between Slater Determinants (Slater-Condon Rules)
Spin and Many Electron Systems
Two Electron Spin Eigenfunctions
Many Electron Spin Eigenfunctions
He and Two Electron Atoms
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