Fortran 77 Programs Related to the Book
Book Title: An Introduction to Computational Physics
Author: Tao Pang
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Place: New York
Publication Date: September, 1997
ISBN's: 0-521-48143-0 (hardback); 0-521-48592-4 (paperback)
List Prices: $110 (hardback); $42.95 (paperback)
Other Info: 393 Pages; 7 x 10; 30 Line Diagrams; 5 Tables; 94 Exercises; Bibliography and Index
Please Note:
- Most programs listed here have appeared in the book (as indicated), which are copyrighted by Cambridge University Press.
- No warranties, express or implied, are made for any materials at this site.
Chapter 1. Introduction
- Program 1.1: One-dimensional motion under a harmonic force (appeared in the book).
Chapter 2. Basic Numerical Methods
- Program 2.1: Lagrange interpolation with the Aitken method (appeared in the book).
- Program 2.A: Lagrange interpolation with the upward/downward correction method.
- Program 2.2: Orthogonal polynomials generator (appeared in the book).
- Program 2.3: Millikan experiment fit (appeared in the book).
- Program 2.B: Millikan experiment with a direct linear fit.
- Program 2.4: Derivatives with the three-point formulas (appeared in the book).
- Program 2.5: Integration with the Simpson rule (appeared in the book).
- Program 2.6: Root Search with the bisection method (appeared in the book).
- Program 2.7: Root Search with the Newton method (appeared in the book).
- Program 2.8: Root Search with the secant method (appeared in the book).
- Program 2.9: Bond length of NaCl (appeared in the book).
- Program 2.10: Classical scattering (appeared in the book).
- Program 2.11: Uniform random number generator (appeared in the book).
- Program 2.12: Exponential random number generator (appeared in the book).
- Program 2.13: Gaussian random number generator (appeared in the book).
- Program 2.14: Two-dimensional percolation (appeared in the book).
Chapter 3. Ordinary Differential Equations
- Program 3.1: Simplest predictor-corrector scheme (appeared in the book).
- Program 3.2: Pendulum solved with the fourth order Runge-Kutta algorithm (appeared in the book).
- Program 3.3: Boundary-value problem solved with the shooting method (appeared in the book, with minor modifications).
- Program 3.4: Simplest algorithm for the Sturm-Liouville equation (appeared in the book).
- Program 3.A: The Numerov algorithm from Eqs. (3.77)-(3.80).
- Program 3.B: The Numerov algorithm from Eqs. (3.82)-(3.85).
- Program 3.C: An application of Program 3.A.
- Program 3.D: Eigenvalue problem of the 1D Schroedinger equation.
Chapter 4. Numerical Methods for Matrices
- Program 4.1: The partial pivoting Gaussian elimination scheme (appeared in the book).
- Program 4.2: Determinant evaluated with the Gaussian elimination scheme (appeared in the book).
- Program 4.3: Linear equation set solved with the Gaussian elimination scheme (appeared in the book).
- Program 4.4: Matrix inversion with the Gaussian elimination scheme (appeared in the book).
- Program 4.5: Determinant polynomials generator (appeared in the book).
- Program 4.6: Random matrix generator (appeared in the book).
Chapter 5. Spectral Analysis and Gaussian Quadrature
- Program 5.1: Discrete Fourier transform (appeared in the book).
- Program 5.2: Fast Fourier transform (appeared in the book).
- Program 5.A: Power spectrum of a driven pendulum.
- Program 5.3: Fast Fourier transform in two dimensions (appeared in the book).
- Program 5.4: The Legendre polynomials generator (appeared in the book).
- Program 5.5: The Bessel functions generator (appeared in the book).
Chapter 6. Partial Differential Equations
- Program 6.1: The bench problem (appeared in the book).
- Program 6.2: The relaxation scheme for one dimension (appeared in the book).
- Program 6.3: Ground water dynamics (appeared in the book).
- Program 6.4: The time-dependent temperature field (appeared in the book).
Chapter 7. Molecular Dynamics
- Program 7.1: Halley's comet studied with the Verlet algorithm (appeared in the book).
- Program 7.2: The Maxwell velocity distribution generator (appeared in the book).
Chapter 8. Modeling Continuous Systems
- Program 8.1: A simple example on finite element method (appeared in the book).
Chapter 9. Monte Carlo Simulations
- Program 9.1: An example with random sampling (appeared in the book).
- Program 9.2: An example with importance sampling (appeared in the book).
Chapter 12. High-Performance Computing
- Program 12.5: An example of communication in MPI environment (appeared in the book).
- Program 12.6: An MPI program on evaluation of the Euler constant (appeared in the book).
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