mercredi 15 septembre 2021

Computational Quantum Physics


Lecture: Prof. Matthias Troyer

Tuesday 9:45-11:30, HIT H 42

Download all documents (zip, 3.7 MB).

Exercise classes:

Assistant Room
Jan Gukelberger HPV G 5 Tue 12:00 - 13:30
Michele Dolfi HIT K 51 Tue 12:00 - 13:30  

Credit requirement

You are expected to solve the weekly exercise sheets and submit the solution via email to one of the teaching assistants. Deadline for hand-ins: Sunday night of the week when the exercise was handed out. Submissions can be programmed in any programming language, but we recommend C++ or Python - if you submit in other languages, we may not be able to help you with technical problems. Figures are expected in PDF, EPS or PNG format.


A printed version of the lecture script will be handed out at the beginning of every new chapter. Additionally, a digital version will be published here.


Supplementary material Skeleton codes for sparse exact diagonalization (C++ and Python)


Solutions of the exercises will be provided through the Subversion repository:

  • To access the repository you need a D-PHYS account. If you still don't have one, you can get one on the ISG website.
  • To see the content of the repository you first have to checkout a copy on your system:
    svn co svn+ssh://
  • Afterwards you can synchronize with the last version with an update command:
    svn up
  • Complete guide to SVN

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