lundi 20 septembre 2021

James F Harrison ( Emeritus Professor of Chemistry )


James F Harrison

Emeritus Professor of Chemistry

Chemistry Department

Michigan State University

East Lansing Michigan 48824




Courses taught 1968-2103


Publications 1967-2017



Over the years I have taught many courses and the notes for a few of the topics discussed are collected below.


This first grouping includes some basic classical physics the understanding of which is vital for success in Advanced Physical Chemistry.




            Electrostatic potential & electric field due to a collection of point charges

            Potential energy of a collection of N point charges

            Potential energy of N point charges in an external potential

            Multipole moments of a charge distribution

            Multipole expansion of a charge distribution

            Interaction energy between two disjoint charge distributions



Angular Momentum


            Orbital angular momentum operators

            Angular momentum in a central field


            Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of Orbital Angular Momentum

            Operator Derivation of Eigenvalue and Eigenfunctions

            A spin ½ particle in a Central Potential

            Coupling of Angular Momenta

            Wigner or Clebsch-Gordon Coeffficients



Perturbation theory

            Non-degenerate theory

                                    Non-degenerate examples

                                                Harmonic oscillator with a cubic perturbation

                                                Harmonic oscillator in a constant electric field

                                                Moller-Plesset second order theory

            Degenerate  theory                             



Hydrogen-like atoms/ions


            Schrodinger equation

                        Center of Mass Separation

                        Energy and Structure of Wavefunctions

                        Radial Distribution Functions

                        Average values of rn

                        Comparison with experiment

            One-electron Atoms in an Electric Field

                        Ground state (Stark Effect, dipole & quadrupole polarizabilities)

                        Excited State (Stark Effect)

            Spin-orbit Interaction

                        Form of the Hamiltonian

                        Angular and Radial Wave-functions

                        PerturbationTreatment (numerical results)

            One-electron atoms in a magnetic field

            More Relativistic Effects

                        Dirac equation for a one-electron atom

                        Pauli Hamiltonian and the Mass Velocity, Spin Orbit & Darwin Terms

                        First-order perturbation results using Pauli Hamiltonian

                        Exact Energy Eigenvalues of Dirac equation


                        Hydrogen wavefunctions (1s-6h)




Hartree-Fock Theory



            General Equations

            Unrestricted open-shell


            Restricted open-shell

            Physical interpretation

            Relationship between Hartree-Fock eigenvalues and the Energy

            Matrix Hartree-Fock equations

            Spin Contamination in UHF



Density Matrices, Natural Orbitals & Electron Density



                        One and Two Particle Density Matrices-Definitions

                        One and Two Particle Density Matrices for Hartree-Fock wavefunctions

                        Electron Density and one Particle Density Matrix

                        Natural Orbitals and One Particle Density Matrix

                        Natural Orbitals for Heitler-London H2


Slater Determinants


                        Slater Determinants and Antisymmeteriizing Operator

                        Matrix Elements Between Slater Determinants (Slater-Condon Rules)


Spin and Many Electron Systems


                        One Electron Spin Operators

                        Many Electron Spin Operators

                        Two Electron Spin Eigenfunctions

                        Many Electron Spin Eigenfunctions



He and Two Electron Atoms



                        Orbital Models

                        Hartree-Fock equations

                        Correlation Energy

                        Hylleraas Equation 

mercredi 15 septembre 2021

Fortran 90 and HPF Programs Related to the Book " An Introduction to Computational Physics "


Fortran 90 and HPF Programs Related to the Book

Book Title: An Introduction to Computational Physics
Author: Tao Pang
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Place: New York
Publication Date: September, 1997
ISBN's: 0-521-48143-0 (hardback); 0-521-48592-4 (paperback)
List Prices: $110 (hardback); $42.95 (paperback)
Other Info: 393 Pages; 7 x 10; 30 Line Diagrams; 5 Tables; 94 Exercises; Bibliography and Index
Please Note:
  1. All the Fortran 90 programs listed here are corresponding to the Fortran 77 programs appeared in or related to the book. Several programs (as indicated) have appeared in the book, which are copyrighted by Cambridge University Press. Some changes are made in order to take advantage of Fortran 90.
  2. No warranties, express or implied, are made for any materials at this site.

Chapter 1. Introduction
  • Program 1.1: One-dimensional motion under a harmonic force.

Chapter 2. Basic Numerical Methods
Chapter 3. Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Program 3.1: Simplest predictor-corrector scheme.
  • Program 3.2: Pendulum solved with the fourth order Runge-Kutta algorithm.
  • Program 3.3: Boundary-value problem solved with the shooting method.
  • Program 3.4: Simplest algorithm for the Sturm-Liouville equation.
  • Program 3.A: The Numerov algorithm from Eqs. (3.77)-(3.80).
  • Program 3.B: The Numerov algorithm from Eqs. (3.82)-(3.85).
  • Program 3.C: An application of Program 3.A.
  • Program 3.D: Eigenvalue problem of the 1D Schroedinger equation.

Chapter 4. Numerical Methods for Matrices
  • Program 4.1: The partial pivoting Gaussian elimination scheme.
  • Program 4.2: Determinant evaluated with the Gaussian elimination scheme.
  • Program 4.3: Linear equation set solved with the Gaussian elimination scheme.
  • Program 4.4: Matrix inversion with the Gaussian elimination scheme.
  • Program 4.5: Determinant polynomials generator.
  • Program 4.6: Random matrix generator.

Chapter 5. Spectral Analysis and Gaussian Quadrature
Chapter 6. Partial Differential Equations
Chapter 7. Molecular Dynamics
  • Program 7.1: Halley's comet studied with the Verlet algorithm.
  • Program 7.2: The Maxwell velocity distribution generator.

Chapter 8. Modeling Continuous Systems
  • Program 8.1: A simple example on finite element method.

Chapter 9. Monte Carlo Simulations
Chapter 12. High-Performance Computing
  • Program 12.1: Polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates conversion (appeared in the book).
  • Program 12.2: Array examples in Fortran 90 (appeared in the book).
  • Program 12.3: Module examples in Fortran 90 (appeared in the book).
  • Program 12.4: HPF code for 2D Poisson equation with the relaxation scheme (appeared in the book).
  • Program 12.5: An example of communication in MPI environment (appeared in the book).
  • Program 12.6: An MPI program on evaluation of the Euler constant.

Fortran 77 Programs Related to the Book " An Introduction to Computational Physics "


Fortran 77 Programs Related to the Book

Book Title: An Introduction to Computational Physics
Author: Tao Pang
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Place: New York
Publication Date: September, 1997
ISBN's: 0-521-48143-0 (hardback); 0-521-48592-4 (paperback)
List Prices: $110 (hardback); $42.95 (paperback)
Other Info: 393 Pages; 7 x 10; 30 Line Diagrams; 5 Tables; 94 Exercises; Bibliography and Index
Please Note:
  1. Most programs listed here have appeared in the book (as indicated), which are copyrighted by Cambridge University Press.
  2. No warranties, express or implied, are made for any materials at this site.

Chapter 1. Introduction
  • Program 1.1: One-dimensional motion under a harmonic force (appeared in the book).

Chapter 2. Basic Numerical Methods
  • Program 2.1: Lagrange interpolation with the Aitken method (appeared in the book).
  • Program 2.A: Lagrange interpolation with the upward/downward correction method.
  • Program 2.2: Orthogonal polynomials generator (appeared in the book).
  • Program 2.3: Millikan experiment fit (appeared in the book).
  • Program 2.B: Millikan experiment with a direct linear fit.
  • Program 2.4: Derivatives with the three-point formulas (appeared in the book).
  • Program 2.5: Integration with the Simpson rule (appeared in the book).
  • Program 2.6: Root Search with the bisection method (appeared in the book).
  • Program 2.7: Root Search with the Newton method (appeared in the book).
  • Program 2.8: Root Search with the secant method (appeared in the book).
  • Program 2.9: Bond length of NaCl (appeared in the book).
  • Program 2.10: Classical scattering (appeared in the book).
  • Program 2.11: Uniform random number generator (appeared in the book).
  • Program 2.12: Exponential random number generator (appeared in the book).
  • Program 2.13: Gaussian random number generator (appeared in the book).
  • Program 2.14: Two-dimensional percolation (appeared in the book).

Chapter 3. Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Program 3.1: Simplest predictor-corrector scheme (appeared in the book).
  • Program 3.2: Pendulum solved with the fourth order Runge-Kutta algorithm (appeared in the book).
  • Program 3.3: Boundary-value problem solved with the shooting method (appeared in the book, with minor modifications).
  • Program 3.4: Simplest algorithm for the Sturm-Liouville equation (appeared in the book).
  • Program 3.A: The Numerov algorithm from Eqs. (3.77)-(3.80).
  • Program 3.B: The Numerov algorithm from Eqs. (3.82)-(3.85).
  • Program 3.C: An application of Program 3.A.
  • Program 3.D: Eigenvalue problem of the 1D Schroedinger equation.

Chapter 4. Numerical Methods for Matrices
  • Program 4.1: The partial pivoting Gaussian elimination scheme (appeared in the book).
  • Program 4.2: Determinant evaluated with the Gaussian elimination scheme (appeared in the book).
  • Program 4.3: Linear equation set solved with the Gaussian elimination scheme (appeared in the book).
  • Program 4.4: Matrix inversion with the Gaussian elimination scheme (appeared in the book).
  • Program 4.5: Determinant polynomials generator (appeared in the book).
  • Program 4.6: Random matrix generator (appeared in the book).

Chapter 5. Spectral Analysis and Gaussian Quadrature
  • Program 5.1: Discrete Fourier transform (appeared in the book).
  • Program 5.2: Fast Fourier transform (appeared in the book).
  • Program 5.A: Power spectrum of a driven pendulum.
  • Program 5.3: Fast Fourier transform in two dimensions (appeared in the book).
  • Program 5.4: The Legendre polynomials generator (appeared in the book).
  • Program 5.5: The Bessel functions generator (appeared in the book).

Chapter 6. Partial Differential Equations
  • Program 6.1: The bench problem (appeared in the book).
  • Program 6.2: The relaxation scheme for one dimension (appeared in the book).
  • Program 6.3: Ground water dynamics (appeared in the book).
  • Program 6.4: The time-dependent temperature field (appeared in the book).

Chapter 7. Molecular Dynamics
  • Program 7.1: Halley's comet studied with the Verlet algorithm (appeared in the book).
  • Program 7.2: The Maxwell velocity distribution generator (appeared in the book).

Chapter 8. Modeling Continuous Systems
  • Program 8.1: A simple example on finite element method (appeared in the book).

Chapter 9. Monte Carlo Simulations
  • Program 9.1: An example with random sampling (appeared in the book).
  • Program 9.2: An example with importance sampling (appeared in the book).

Chapter 12. High-Performance Computing
  • Program 12.5: An example of communication in MPI environment (appeared in the book).
  • Program 12.6: An MPI program on evaluation of the Euler constant (appeared in the book).




Computational Quantum Physics


Lecture: Prof. Matthias Troyer

Tuesday 9:45-11:30, HIT H 42

Download all documents (zip, 3.7 MB).

Exercise classes:

Assistant Room
Jan Gukelberger HPV G 5 Tue 12:00 - 13:30
Michele Dolfi HIT K 51 Tue 12:00 - 13:30  

Credit requirement

You are expected to solve the weekly exercise sheets and submit the solution via email to one of the teaching assistants. Deadline for hand-ins: Sunday night of the week when the exercise was handed out. Submissions can be programmed in any programming language, but we recommend C++ or Python - if you submit in other languages, we may not be able to help you with technical problems. Figures are expected in PDF, EPS or PNG format.


A printed version of the lecture script will be handed out at the beginning of every new chapter. Additionally, a digital version will be published here.


Supplementary material Skeleton codes for sparse exact diagonalization (C++ and Python)


Solutions of the exercises will be provided through the Subversion repository:

  • To access the repository you need a D-PHYS account. If you still don't have one, you can get one on the ISG website.
  • To see the content of the repository you first have to checkout a copy on your system:
    svn co svn+ssh://
  • Afterwards you can synchronize with the last version with an update command:
    svn up
  • Complete guide to SVN

mardi 14 septembre 2021

FORTRAN90 Source Codes

  1. allocatable_array_test
  2. alpert_rule, a FORTRAN90 code which sets up an Alpert quadrature rule for functions which are regular, log(x) singular, or 1/sqrt(x) singular.
  3. alpert_rule_test
  4. analemma, a FORTRAN90 code which evaluates the equation of time, a formula for the difference between the uniform 24 hour day and the actual position of the sun, creating data files that can be plotted with gnuplot(), based on a C code by Brian Tung.
  5. analemma_test
  6. annulus_monte_carlo, a FORTRAN90 code which uses the Monte Carlo method to estimate the integral of a function over the interior of a circular annulus in 2D.
  7. annulus_monte_carlo_test
  8. annulus_rule, a FORTRAN90 code which computes a quadrature rule for estimating integrals of a function over the interior of a circular annulus in 2D.
  9. annulus_rule_test
  10. apportionment, a FORTRAN90 code which demonstrates some of the methods used or proposed for fairly assigning seats in the House of Representatives to each state;
  11. apportionment_test
  12. args, a FORTRAN90 code which reports the command line arguments of a FORTRAN90 code;
  13. args_test
  14. arpack, a FORTRAN90 code which computes eigenvalues for large matrices, by Richard Lehoucq, Danny Sorensen, Chao Yang;
  15. arpack_test
  16. atbash, a FORTRAN90 code which applies the Atbash substitution cipher to a string of text.
  17. atbash_test
  18. backtrack_binary_rc, a FORTRAN90 code which carries out a backtrack search for binary decisions, using reverse communication (RC).
  19. backtrack_binary_rc_test
  20. ball_grid, a FORTRAN90 code which computes grid points inside a 3D ball.
  21. ball_grid_test
  22. ball_integrals, a FORTRAN90 code which returns the exact value of the integral of any monomial over the interior of the unit ball in 3D.
  23. ball_integrals_test
  24. ball_monte_carlo, a FORTRAN90 code which applies a Monte Carlo method to estimate integrals of a function over the interior of the unit ball in 3D;
  25. ball_monte_carlo_test
  26. barycentric_interp_1d, a FORTRAN90 code which defines and evaluates the barycentric Lagrange polynomial p(x) which interpolates data, so that p(x(i)) = y(i). The barycentric approach means that very high degree polynomials can safely be used.


Molecular Spectroscopy and Statistical Thermodynamics - /dleaist/Chem332/C332 course notes/

[To Parent Directory]

8/5/2021 10:58 AM 463735 C332_Introduction_2022.pdf
8/20/2020 2:47 PM 3015270 C332_Part_1_H_like_atoms.pdf
8/20/2020 5:19 PM 743323 C332_Part_2_multielectron_atoms.pdf
8/20/2020 6:01 PM 550205 C332_Part_3_molecules_and_chemical_bonding.pdf
8/21/2020 1:06 PM 1622746 C332_Part_4_multi_electron_molecules.pdf
8/21/2020 1:26 PM 1514320 C332_Part_5_rotational_and_vibrational_spectroscopy.pdf
8/21/2020 1:02 PM 1305150 C332_Part_6_electronic_spectroscopy.pdf
8/21/2020 3:36 PM 4143796 C332_Part_7_molecular_statistics_and_the_Boltzmann_distribution.pdf
8/21/2020 7:51 PM 3789785 C332_Part_8_statistical_thermodynamics.pdf


Quantum Mechanics I + II


Quantum Mechanics I

Quantum Mechanics II





lundi 13 septembre 2021

Quantum Transport




SYLLABUS (updated 01/14/20)

Practice Exams/Notes

Exam 1 (1/31) : Semiclassical Transport



Exam 2 (2/14) : Schrodinger Equation



Exam 3 (3/13) : Contact-ing Schrodinger



Exam 4 (4/10) : Spin Transport



Exam 5 (5/4) : Heat & Electricity, Fock Space



Numerical Methods in Quantum Mechanics

 Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interateneo (Master) in Physics

Academic Year 2020-2021

Teacher: Paolo Giannozzi, room L1-2-BE, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics, Via delle Scienze 206, Udine
tel. +39 0432 558216, fax +39 0432 558222
web:, e-mail: paolo . giannozzi at uniud . it
Office hours: during the semester when possible, I'll be in the Physics building Monday and Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:00. Send me an e-mail or phone me to get an appointment (in Trieste or in Udine) at a different time when not possible.

Course Description

Goals: this course provides an introduction to numerical methods and techniques useful for the numerical solution of quantum mechanical problems, especially in atomic and condensed-matter physics. The course is organized as a series of theoretical lessons in which the physical problems and the numerical concepts needed for their resolution are presented, followed by practical sessions in which examples of implementatation for specific simple problems are presented. The student will learn to use the concepts and to practise scientific programming by modifying and extending the examples presented during the course.

Syllabus: Schroedinger equations in one dimension: techniques for numerical solutions. Solution of the Schroedinger equations for a potential with spherical symmetry. Scattering from a potential. Variational method: expansion on a basis of functions, secular problem, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Examples: gaussian basis, plane-wave basis. Many-electron systems: Hartree-Fock equations, self-consistent field, exchange interaction. Numerical solution of Hartree-Fock equations in atoms with radial integration and on a gaussian basis set. Introduction to numerical solution of electronic states in molecules. Electronic states in solids: solution of the Schroedinger equation for periodic potentials. Introduction to exact diagonalization of spin systems. Introduction to Density-Functional Theory.

Lecture Notes (updated): Introduction, Ch.1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.5, Ch.6, Ch.7, Ch.8, Ch.9, Ch.10, Ch.11, Appendix, all.
See also: J. M. Thijssen, Computational Physics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999, Ch.2-4, 5, 6.1-6.4, 6.7.
A rather detailed introduction to Density-Functional techniques can be found in the first chapters of the lecture notes of my (now defunct) course on Numerical Methods in Electronic Structure.

Requirements: basic knowledge of Quantum Mechanics, of Fortran or C programming, of an operating system (preferrably Linux).

Exam: personal project consisting in the numerical solution of a problem, followed by oral examination (typically consisting in the discussion of a subject, different from the one of the personal project, chosen by the student). Contact me a few weeks before the exam to receive the personal project (if not yet assigned) and to set a date. A short written report on the personal project and the related code(s) should be provided no later than the day before the exam.


The course starts on March 8th. Classes are held online on Teams (Link on ,, send me an email if you cannot find it) until further notice
  • Monday 11-13, Aula C
  • Wednesday 11-13, Lab. T21
Deviation from the above schedule are marked in boldface in the detailed table of arguments (subject to changes>/i>) below.




8 March
One-dimensional Schroedinger equation:
Reminder: harmonic oscillator, analytical solution. Discretization, Numerov algorithm, numerical stability, eigenvalue search using stable outwards and inwards integrations. (Notes: Ch.1)
10 March
practical session
Numerical solution of the one-dimensional Schroedinger equation:
examples for the harmonic oscillator (code harmonic0: fortran, C; code harmonic1: fortran, C).
15 March
Three-dimensional Schroedinger equation:
Central potentials, variable separation, logarithmic grids, perturbative estimate to accelerate eigenvalue convergence. (Notes: Ch.2). A glimpse on true three-dimensional problems on a grid. (Notes: appendix A)
17 March
practical session
Numerical solution for spherically symmetric potentials:
example for Hydrogen atom (code hydrogen_radial: fortran, C)
22 March
Scattering from a potential:
cross section, phase shifts, resonances. (Notes: Ch.3; Thijssen: Ch.2)
24 March
pratical session
Calculation of cross sections:
numerical solution for Lennard-Jones potential (code crossection: fortran, C).
29 March
Variational method:
Schroedinger equation as minimum problem, expansion on a basis of functions, secular problem, introduction to diagonalization algorithms. (Notes: Ch.4; Thijssen: Ch.3)
31 March
pratical session
Variational method using an orthonormal basis set:
example of a potential well in plane waves (code pwell: fortran, C).
12 April
Non-orthonormal basis sets:
gaussian functions. (Notes: Ch.5)
14 April
practical session
Variational method with gaussian basis set:
solution for Hydrogen atom (code hydrogen_gauss: fortran, C)
19 April
The Hartree-Fock method:
Slater determinants, Hartree-Fock equations, self-consistent field. (Notes: Ch.6; Thijssen: Ch.4.1-4.5)
21 April
practical session
He atom in Hartree-Fock approximation:
solution with radial integration and self-consistency (code helium_hf_radial: fortran, C).
26 April
Born-Oppenheimer approximation, potential energy surface, diatomic molecules. introduction to numerical solution for molecules. (Notes: Ch.7; Thijssen: Ch.4.6-4.8)
28 April
practical session
Molecules with gaussian basis:
solution of Hartree-Fock equations on a gaussian basis for a H2 molecule (code h2_hf_gauss: fortran, C).
3 May
Electronic states in crystals:
Bloch theorem, band structure. (Notes: Ch.8; Thijssen: Ch.4.6-4.8)
5 May
practical session
Periodic potentials:
numerical solution with plane waves of the Kronig-Penney model (code periodicwell: fortran, C; example of usage of FFT: fortran, C).
10 May
Electronic states in crystals II:
three-dimensional case, methods of solution, plane wave basis set, introduction to the concept of pseudopotential. (Notes: Ch.9; Thijssen: Ch.6.1-6.4, 6.7)
12 May
pratical session
solution of the Cohen-Bergstresser model for Silicon (code cohenbergstresser: fortran, C).
17 May
Spin systems
Introduction to spin systems: Heisenberg model, exact diagonalization, iterative methods for diagonalization, sparseness. (Notes: Ch.10)
19 May
practical session
Exact Diagonalization
Solution of the Heisenberg model with Lanczos chains (code heisenberg_exact: fortran, C).
24 May

Density-Functional Theory
Hohenberg-Kohn theorem, Kohn-Sham equations (Notes: Ch.11)
26 May
semi-practical session
DFT with plane waves and pseudopotentials
Fast Fourier-Trasform and iterative techniques; sample code ah (fortran, C) solving Si with Appelbaum-Hamann pseudopotentials).
31 May

Density-Functional Theory II

7 June

Assignment of exam problems

Last modified 23 May 2021

PHYS5660 Semiconductor Physics and Devices (Download Area)

  Front Matter Assessment Modes - Contacts - Academic Honesty Announcement Class Notes Ch I - The Basics and What we are Intereste...