(UCSD Physics 130)
April 2, 2003
Course Summary
- Problems with Classical Physics
- Thought Experiments on Diffraction
- Probability Amplitudes
- Wave Packets and Uncertainty
- Operators
- Expectation Values
- Commutators
- The Schrödinger Equation
- Eigenfunctions, Eigenvalues and Vector Spaces
- A Particle in a Box
- Piecewise Constant Potentials in One Dimension
- The Harmonic Oscillator in One Dimension
- Delta Function Potentials in One Dimension
- Harmonic Oscillator Solution with Operators
- More Fun with Operators
- Two Particles in 3 Dimensions
- Identical Particles
- Some 3D Problems Separable in Cartesian Coordinates
- Angular Momentum
- Solutions to the Radial Equation for Constant Potentials
- Hydrogen
- Solution of the 3D HO Problem in Spherical Coordinates
- Matrix Representation of Operators and States
- A Study of
Operators and Eigenfunctions
- Spin 1/2 and other 2 State Systems
- Quantum Mechanics in an Electromagnetic Field
- Local Phase Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics and the Gauge Symmetry
- Addition of Angular Momentum
- Time Independent Perturbation Theory
- The Fine Structure of Hydrogen
- Hyperfine Structure
- The Helium Atom
- Atomic Physics
- Molecules
- Time Dependent Perturbation Theory
- Radiation in Atoms
- Classical Field Theory
- The Classical Electromagnetic Field
- Quantization of the EM Field
- Scattering of Photons
- Electron Self Energy
- The Dirac Equation
- The Dirac Equation
Jim Branson 2013-04-22
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