mardi 12 février 2019

Web-Based Quantum Mechanics Course

List of Modules
  • Review: Square Potentials

    • A particle in a time-independent scalar potential, potential steps, square wells, d-function potentials
  • The WKB Approximation

    • The WKB approximations for bound states
  • Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

    • Linear vector spaces, Dirac notation, subspaces, linear operators, Hermitian operators, unitary operators, function of operators, representations in state space, change of representation, the eigenvalue problem, commuting observables, the |r> and |p> representations
  • The Postulates of Quantum Mechanics

    • Postulates, mean value and root-mean-square deviation, conservation of probability, the evolution operator
  • Representations

    • The Schroedinger picture, the Heisenberg picture, the interaction picture, time-dependent perturbation theory, the evolution of the mean value of an observable, interference effects
  • The Density Matrix

    • A statistical mixture of states, the density operator, the physical meaning of the density matrix and the density operator
  • The Harmonic Oscillator

    • The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the 1D harmonic oscillator, the mean value and root mean square deviation of X and P, coherent states, tensor product spaces, the 3D harmonic oscillator
  • Two-Level Systems (A Spin 1/2 particle)

    • Spin, a spin 1/2 particle in a uniform magnetic field, a general study of a two-level system
  • Two Spin 1/2 particles

    • The tensor product space of two spin 1/2 particles
  • Angular Momentum

    • Commutation Relations, basis states, orbital angular momentum, the spherical harmonics
  • Symmetries and Constants of Motion

    • The translation operator, the rotation operator, rotation of observables, scalar and vector observables, spinors, the rotation operator for a spin 1/2 particle


  • Hydrogenic Systems

    • The hydrogen atom, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, spectroscopic notation, hydrogenic systems.
  • Diatomic Molecules

    • Motion of the nuclei, vibrational-rotational levels.
  • Addition of Angular Momentum

    • Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, adding more than two angular momenta, rotation matrices, transformation properties of the spherical harmonics, the Wigner-Eckart theorem, the projection theorem.
  • Gauge Transformations, Flux Quantization, Propagator

    • Gauge transformations in electromagnetism, the Aharonov-Bohm effect, magnetic monopoles, propagator and path integrals.
  • Periodic Systems

    • Periodic and continuous systems, Electrons in a solid.
  • Scattering

    • Scattering by a central potential, free spherical waves, partial waves, phase shifts,   the scattering cross section near a resonance, scattering length and effective range, frame transformations, integral scattering equation for stationary states, the Born approximation, the Yukawa potential, the Coulomb potential.

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