mardi 26 mars 2019

Advanced Physical Chemistry


Some P. Chem. and Quantum Chemistry Texts
Periodic TableUnit Conversions and Physical constants 

Exam Schedule

(1) Exam 1 - Friday, February 19*
(2) Exam 2 - Friday, March 25*
(3) Exam 3 - Friday, April 22*
(F) Final Exam - Monday, May 9: 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM*
*Exams 1-3 will start at 11:00 AM and continue to 12:50 PM
to provide more time. We will also add additional time
for the Final Exam

Last Year

(1) Exam 1 and Solutions
(2) Exam 2 and Solutions
(3) Exam 3 and Solutions
(F) Final Exam and Solutions 

This Year

(1) Exam 1 - Solutions and Grades
(2) Exam 2 - Solutions and Grades
(3) Exam 3 - Solutions and Grades
(F) Final Exam - Solutions and Grades

See Archive for Chapters 1-5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

spooky_1.jpg (298663 bytes)
Course Webmaster
Spooky McSchwartz, Esquire
[aka The Spookman]

spooky_1.jpg (298663 bytes)
Examination Administrator
Sapphire T. McGillicuddy
[aka Saffy]
[aka Madam Evil]


mercredi 20 mars 2019

Molecular Physics and Molecular Structure

Lecture 26 Title: Fundamentals of the Quantum Theory of molecule formation

Lecture 27 Title: Understanding of Molecular Orbital

Lecture 28 Title: Diatomic Molecule : Vibrational and Rotational spectra

Lecture 29 Title: The rotational-vibrational spectra

Lecture 30 Title : Raman Scattering

Lecture 31 Title: Vibrational structure of electronic transition

Lecture 32 Title: Rotational structure of particular electronic transition

Lecture 33 Title: Intensity distribution in the electronic vibrational structure

Lecture 34 Title: Term values of the electronic states of the molecule


Atomic Physics and Atomic Structure

Lecture 7 -Title: Quantum Mechanical treatment of One-electron atoms

Lecture 8 -Title: Quantum Mechanical treatment of One-electron atoms : radial part 

Lecture 9 :Title : Interpretation of wavefunction and modification forAlkali atoms

Lecture 10 : Title : ALKALI SPECTRA

Lecture 11 Title :  Helium Atom

Lecture 12 Title: Central Field Approximation

Lecture 13 : Title : Coupling of angular momentum 

Lecture 14 Title: Evaluation of Terms of an atom 

Lecture 15 Title: Evaluation of coupled wavefunction

Lecture 16 Title: Wigner-Eckart theorem

Lecture 17 Title :Fine structure : Spin-orbit coupling

Lecture 18 Title : Fine Structure : multi-electron atoms

Lecture 19 Title: j-j coupling

Lecture 20 Title: Effect of Static Magnetic field on the spectral lines

Lecture 21 Title: Hyperfine Structure of Spectral Lines

Lecture 22 Title: Zeeman effect in Hyperfine structures

Lecture 23 Title: Electron Spin resonance spectroscopy

Lecture 24 Title : Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (N.M.R)

Lecture 25 Title : X- Ray Spectra

Reference :

History of Atomic & Molecular Physics and basic backgrounds

Lecture – 1 TITLE: Introduction to Atomic and Molecular Physics

Lecture – 2 TITLE: A brief history of the development of structure of atom

Lecture – 3 TITLE: Formulation of Old Quantum theory

Lecture – 4 TITLE: Quantization of radiation and matter: Wave-Particle duality

Lecture – 5 TITLE: Electromagnetic Radiation – Matter Interactions

Lecture – 6 Title: Radiative transitions and spectral broadening


mardi 19 mars 2019

Quantum Chemistry ( Professor S. M. Blinder )

This course is designed to introduce students to a thorough, research-oriented view of Physical Chemistry. Required for Honors Chemistry concentrators. Graduate students take course as Chemistry 570.
This is the second of the three-term physical chemistry sequence Chemistry 260/461/463. Chemistry 461 builds on the introduction to quantum mechanics that was begun in Chemistry 260. Students will solve the Schrödinger equation in 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensions for several problems of interest in chemistry, including the particle-in-a-box, harmonic oscillator, rigid rotor, and hydrogen atom. Further topics include atomic structure, valence-bond and molecular orbital theories of chemical bonding and group theory. The concepts of quantum theory are applied to molecular spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance.
Prerequisites & Distribution: Chem. 260, Phys. 240 (or 260), and Math. 215. (3). (Excl). (BS). Credits: (3).
Textbook: This Website. Supplementary reference: Atkins, Physical Chemistry, 6th or 7th Edition (Freeman, 1998, 2002), Chapters 11-18.
Meetings: M, W, F 9-11 am, Rm 1636.
Examinations (open notes format):
Exam 1: Wednesday, May 15 (30% of grade).
Exam 2: Monday, June 3 (30% of grade).
Final Exam: Monday, June 17 (40% of grade)

Tentative Schedule:



 May 1Chaps 1, 2Quantum Theory; Waves & Particles
 May 3-6Chap 3Q M of Some Simple Systems
 May 8Chap 4Principles of Quantum Mechanics
 May 10Chap 5Harmonic Oscillator
 May 13Chap 6Angular Momentum
 May 15EXAM 1Covering Chaps 1-6
 May 17-20Chap 7Hydrogen Atom
 May 22-24Chap 8Helium Atom
 May 29Chap 9Atomic Structure; Periodic Law
 May 31Chap 10The Chemical Bond
 June 3EXAM 2Covering Chaps 6-10
 June 5Chap 11Molecular Orbital Theory
 June 7-10Chap 13Molecular Spectroscopy
 June 12-14Chap 14Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
 June 17FINAL EXAMCovering everything

Front Cover Physical Constants
Chap 1. Atoms and Photons: Origin of the Quantum Theory
Supplement 1A. Maxwell's Equations
Supplement 1B. Planck Radiation Law
Chap 2. Waves and Particles
Double Slit Diffraction Experiment
Review of Complex Numbers
Exercises 2
Chap 3. Quantum Mechanics of Some Simple Systems
Exercises 3
Chap 4. Principles of Quantum Mechanics
Exercises 4
Chap 5. Harmonic Oscillator
Supplement 5. Gaussian Integrals
Exercises 5
Chap 6. Angular Momentum
Supplement 6. Curvilinear Coordinates
2001 Exam 1 & Answers
2002 Exam 1 & Answers
Chap 7. Hydrogen Atom
Exercises 7
Chap 8. Helium Atom
Exercises 8
Chap 9. Atomic Structure & the Periodic Law
Dynamic Periodic Table
Exercises 9
Chap 10. The Chemical Bond
Exercises 10
2002 Exam 2 & Answers
Chap 11. Molecular Orbital Theory
Diatomic Table
Exercises 11
Chap 12. Molecular Symmetry (omitted this term)
Chap 13. Molecular Spectroscopy
Exercises 13
Chap 14. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Exercises 14
Back Cover Periodic Table
2001 Final Exam & Answers
2002 Final Exam & Answers


mardi 5 mars 2019


M, W, F 10:10 - 11:00 AM
Spring Semester 2006

Instructor: Professor Christopher Cramer 
Paraprofessionals: Kin-Yiu Wong, and George Giambasu

Course Information

Sample Exams

  • Sample Exam 1 and its answer key.
  • Answers to additional example problems for first exam (questions found at end of Lecture 8).
  • Sample Exam 2 and its answer key.
  • Answers to example problems for second exam (questions found at end of Lecture 16). Also, the formula table that will be provided with the exam.
  • Sample Exam 3 and its answer key.
  • Answers to example problems for third exam (questions found at end of Lecture 24). Also, the formula table that will be provided with the exam.
  • Sample Exam 4 and its answer key.
  • Answers to example problems for fourth exam (questions found at end of Lecture 33). There is no formula table associated with this exam.

  • Sample Final Exam and its answer key.

    Exams and Homework Keys (see syllabus for dates)

    A map to the Science Classroom Bldg may be found here.The final takes place from 10:30 to 12:30 AM Wednesday May 10th.
    • Exam 1 in versions abc, and d (version letter appears at upper left of front page) and its answer keys in versions abc, and d.
    • Exam 2 in versions abc, and d (version letter appears at upper left of front page) and its answer keys in versions abc, and d.
    • Exam 3 in the only version, a, b, c, and d, and its answer key in the only version, aNote that question 8 of this exam was originally graded with answer (d) as correct. However, it is answer (b) that is correct. If you lost points on this question, please bring your exam to Professor Cramer and your score will be adjusted upwards 6 points (i.e., this question is eliminated and the exam will begin from a base of 6 instead of 0).
    • Exam 4 in versions abc, and d (version letter appears at upper left of front page) and its answer keys in versions abc, and d. Note that the problem listed as having answer GG is NOT really answered correctly (GG was "8", but the answer, "9", was not supplied). This problem was not graded and as a result all exams began from a base of 3 points.
    • Final Exam in versions abc, and d (version letter appears at upper left of front page) and its answer keys in versions abc, and d. Note that versions a and b had two possible correct answers in the multiple choice question about the parity operator (because of a misprint not present in the answer keys). Either choice was given full credit. For a summary of course grades, see the note above in the Course Information section.

    Useful Links

    You are welcome to alert me to links that you think would benefit the class by being included in the below listing.
    • A handy integral table (many others can also be found on the web).
    • CHEM 3502/4502, Spring 03 (Professor Jiali Gao, instructor)
    • HyperPhysics pages at Georgia State University. The "Quantum Physics" balloon in the top splash-page web is the most relevant starting point for this class, and there is a nice alphabetized index of topics in the right frame of the page.
    • Mathworld and Oviedo University have some very nice plots of the square moduli and real and complex components of the complex and real spherical harmonics.
    • The firstsecondthird, and fourth links visited in class when discussing interstellar microwave spectroscopy.
    • Dauger Research page with lovely pictures of hydrogenic orbitals and downloadable shareware (Mac only) to generate 3D orbital images and manipulate them in realtime.

    Published by the Department of Chemistry.
    Updated May. 11, 2006, CJC
    © 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by the Regents of University of Minnesota, Department of Chemistry. All rights reserved.
    The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

  • Reference:


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